Everywhere in the U.S.A
For A Healthier Life
Frequently Asked Questions
Can K-9 Balancer be fed to puppies?
Yes, by the time they are weaned they should be introduced to K-9 Balancer. This will ensure the utilization of micro proteins and bacteria to jump start the immune system and help protect the puppy from getting diseases.
Can K-9 Balancer be fed to nursing mothers?
Yes, we encourage it as well. The nursing mother will benefit greatly and so will her puppies. They both will have a increase in nutrition and the micro-proteins & good strains of bacteria help protect her digestive track and improve her immune system. It will also improve her appetite.
Are there any preservatives in K-9 Balancer?
There are no preservatives in K-9 Balancer. Most of the ingredients and micro proteins are found in nature. It is important to keep the container closed when not being used.
Where do I buy K-9 Balancer?
K-9 Balancer is available on this website under the "Online Store" Otherwise, check out our Store locator to see if there are any stores near you!
Can I sprinkle K-9 Balancer in the water dish?
No, Sprinkling K-9 Balancer in the water dish will not help. It is only meant to be sprinkled over top of the dog food.
How do I know how much to give my dog?
What if my dog ate the whole jar?
They may experience diarrhea but it won't hurt the dog. If you're still feeling concerned, Please contact your veterinarian.
This information will be under the Directions. Each dog depending on their weight will have different directions. All dogs should be served once per day over there food. (Giant Breeds 100lbs or more = 1 1/2 - 2 tsp) (Large Breed 40-99lbs = 1 tsp) (Small/Medium Breed 10-39lbs = 1/2 tsp) (Tiny Breed 9.9lbs or less = 1/4 tsp)
Is K-9 Balancer Veterinarian Recommended?
Yes, it is highly recommended by Veterinarians.
Where is it manufactured?
K-9 Balancer is manufactured in the USA.
How will a hunting dog benefit from K-9 Balancer?
They will have more energy, recover faster, and stay in shape better. It will also help with hot spots & hair loss.
Will K-9 Balancer help with ear infections?
It will improve the dog's immune system, therefore help fight off infections.
Is K-9 Balancer organic?
Yes, non-GMO organic.
Should K-9 Balancer be refrigerated?
K-9 Balancer should not be refrigerated. We recommend you store it in a cool, dry area for maximum stability. Also, avoid leaving open for an extended amount of time.
How does K-9 Balancer react or work with Wet Dog food or canned?
K-9 Balancer will absorb moisture and is appetizing to the dog and therefore will work well with canned or wet dog food. K-9 Balancer is routinely used with sled dogs and their food is very moist and it works great!
From Highway 10 - Take the County Road 80 exit North to Perham. Take a right at 7th Ave NE and take your first right at 1st Street NE. The Backyard is at the end of the block on the left.
From Main Street - Travel east onto County Road 80 and take a left across the train tracks at 7th Ave NE. Take your first right at 1st Street NE and The Backyard is at the end of the block on the left.
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM